Cossack Birthday

Present a real Cossack holiday to your child! A lot of emotions and Cossack energy are guaranteed!

Boys and girls will be able to get some Cossack skills: they may try archery, making a flower of Hope in a smithy and to become Blacksmithes of Happiness. Besides, kids and adults may realize their energy while riding a horse.

Birthday cake, birthday  dishes (according to your tastes) will “spice up” your holiday with stunning Cossack coloring and present you unforgettable impressions!

Let’s plan a perfect program together!


  1. Вхід для дітей
  2. Зустріч іменинника козаком з конем
  3. М-клас на вибір: із ковальства, стрільби з лука чи фехтування
  4. Катання верхи на конях
  5. Іменинний пиріг та узвар
  6. Вручення козацької грамоти

How to order?

Just call:
We will plan your holiday individually and satisfy all your wishes!

Dishes in the restaurant

Entrance Price


Придбати квитки

Our Address
2, Mykhayla Dontsya Street, Kyiv, Ukraine
It is near the National Aviation University of Ukraine
Public transport
  • 27
    From Pochayna and Shulyavskaya metro stations
  • 433
    From the crossroad of Bohdana Khmelnytskogo and Tereschenkivska Str.
  • 201
    From Shulyavska metro station
  • 427
    From Palats Sportu and Shulyavska metro stations
All transport goes to "Mykhaila Dontsya" bus stop