Ukrainian Vechornytsi on St Catherine’s Day!
Event Date: the 7th of December, 2018

On St Catherine’s Day – the Day of Girls’ Destiny we are inviting you to attend real UKRAINIAN VECHORNYTSI (evening magical parties)!

The Date of event is the 7th of December, 2018 at 7 p.m.

On the Day of Girls’ Destiny Cossacks and girls of “Mamayeva Sloboda” together with fork group “Bozhedary” are inviting you to attend real Ukrainian Vechornytsi that will be organized in the settlement of Cossack Mamay. The beginning of girls’ entertainments and fortune-telling is at 7 p.m.

So, dear boys and girls! Please, join us on this “special” day!

Vechornytsi in Cossack Ukraine were traditional for the end of November and the beginning of December. All these girls’ and boys’ parties were held with one reason – to have a happy marriage. The holiday of St Catherine was supposed to be very helpful for young people because it was the Day of Girls’ Destiny.

When our grannies were young girls, they were hoping for good destiny. So, they used to fortune-tell. On St Catherine’s Day they used to cut a branch of a cherry tree, put it in water in the sacred corner (pokuttya) next to the icons and then they waited. If the branch gave flowers before St Melania’s Day (New Year’s Day), it meant that the girl would surely get married soon.

So why don’t you try to come to “Mamayeva Sloboda”, to choose “that special” branch of a cherry tree, to fortune-tell with live rooster, to feed a dog with magical balabushkas (buns), to call Destiny and to dance in the company of Ukrainian musicians the way our grannies used to do it?

We would like you to be involved in reproduction of ancient kind and sincere traditions, to taste historical liqueurs of Cossack times and to dance Ukrainian dances together with folk group girls and boys!

The dress code of event is embroidered shirt (vyshyvanka).

Cossack Settlement “Mamayeva Sloboda” is situated at the picturesque place near the source of the legendary river of Lybid. It’s in 7 km from Khreschatyk – almost in the centre of Kyiv.

Our address: 2, Mykhaila Dontsia, Kyiv. You can take a bus 27 from Petrivka or Shuliavska underground stations or fixed route taxies 433, 427, 201.

Please, book a table in our Cossack Shynok (restaurant) by phone +83(066)091 12 79 or by e-mail

Welcome to the Cossack village and enjoy a real magical evening atmosphere!

Our services

Dishes in the restaurant

Entrance Price


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Our Address
2, Mykhayla Dontsya Street, Kyiv, Ukraine
It is near the National Aviation University of Ukraine
Public transport
  • 27
    From Pochayna and Shulyavskaya metro stations
  • 433
    From the crossroad of Bohdana Khmelnytskogo and Tereschenkivska Str.
  • 201
    From Shulyavska metro station
  • 427
    From Palats Sportu and Shulyavska metro stations
All transport goes to "Mykhaila Dontsya" bus stop